09 Feb 2023 07:30 CET



  • Gross merchandise volume of €47.0m, up 5.0%;
  • Consolidated revenues up 3.0% to €38.8m;
  • Satisfactory launch of marketplace in France and successful consolidation of third-party logistics business.

9 February 2023. Vente-Unique.com, a European specialist in online furniture and home décor sales, today announces its unaudited revenues for the first quarter of its 2022-2023 financial year (from 1 October to 31 December 2022). Following the integration of the logistics activities on 1 October 2022 and the launch of its marketplace, the company presents for the first time a consolidated turnover and global business volume.

IFRS (€000) Q1 2021-2022 Q1 2022-2023 Change
Gross merchandise volume[1] 44,738 46,968 +5.0%
Revenues 37,621 38,754 +3.0%
E-commerce[2] 37,621 36,809 -2.2%
Logistics[3] - 1,945 -

Vente-Unique.com started the year with a gross merchandise volume (GMV) of €47.0 million, up 5.0% versus the first quarter of the previous year driven by the satisfactory launch of the marketplace in France. Consolidated revenues totalled €38.8 million, up 3.0%, including marketplace fees and initial revenues from the third-party logistics business.

The Group thus confirmed its ability to leverage strategic growth drivers while acting to restore e-commerce margins.

Priority assigned to restoring e-commerce margins

IFRS (€000) Q1 2021-2022 Q1 2022-2023 Change
E-commerce revenues 37,621 36,809 -2.2%
France 19,979 19,064 -4.6%
Northern and Eastern Europe[4] 11,713 12,161 +3.8%
Southern Europe[5] 5,930 5,584 -5.8%

Vente-Unique.com e-commerce revenues dipped 2.2% to €36.8 million with varying performances depending on the country. After a 2021-2022 second half marked by strong pressure on sales margins (transport inflation and strengthening of USD), priority at the start of the new financial year has been assigned to improving profitability by adjusting pricing policy and keeping marketing expenses under control.

Lastly, the international market accounted for 48% of total e-commerce revenues (up 1 percentage point versus Q1 2021-2022 ), while France accounted for 52% (down 1 percentage point). In accordance with the roadmap, the international roll-out of the marketplace has been launched in the second quarter of 2022-2023, focusing on Southern Europe.

Initial revenues from logistics services

The start of the year was primarily marked by the consolidation of the third-party logistics business on 1 October 2022 resulting from the acquisition of the Distri Service business. The new business generated additional revenues of €1.9 million and is expected to be a powerful growth driver in the future, working in synergy with the marketplace ramp-up and contributing to overall Group profitability.

Outlook confirmed

At the end of Q1 2022-2023, Vente-Unique.com confirms its goal of gradually returning to strong growth over the current financial year and improving its earnings through continued tight management of sales margins, operating expenses and capital expenditure.

Next publication: H1 2022-2023 revenues, Thursday, 11 May 2023

Read more on bourse.vente-unique.com

À propos de Vente-unique.com

Créé en 2006, Vente-unique.com (Euronext Growth – ALVU), filiale du Groupe CAFOM (Euronext – CAFO), est un expert de la vente en ligne de mobilier et aménagement de la maison en Europe. La société couvre 11 pays (France, Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal et Suisse) et a livré plus de 2 millions de clients depuis son lancement. En 2022, Vente-unique.com a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 143 M€.

ACTUS finance & communication
Jérôme Fabreguettes-Leib Déborah Schwartz
Relations Investisseurs Relations Presse
vente-unique@actus.fr dschwartz@actus.fr
01 53 67 36 78 01 53 67 36 35

[1] Gross value, including taxes, of products and services sold, including direct product sales recognised at the date of shipment, marketplace sales recognised at the order confirmation date and other invoiced services and revenues

[2] Direct product sales + marketplace fees

[3] BtoB logistics services invoiced by the new subsidiary resulting from the acquisition of the Distri Service business on 1 October 2022

[4] Austria + Belgium + Germany + Luxembourg + Netherlands + Poland + Switzerland

[5] Italy + Portugal + Spain

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Regulated information:
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- First quarter financial report

Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/78485-vu_cp_ca_t1_2022-2023_en_vdef.pdf






Company Name







Euronext Growth