08 Feb 2023 16:07 CET

Storebrand Bank ASA (rated A / Stable by S&P) has today issued an Additional
Tier 1 bond issue with perpetual tenor in the amount of NOK 125 million.
Settlement date for the issuance is 15 February 2023.

The Additional Tier 1 bonds will carry a floating coupon rate equal to 3 months
NIBOR plus a margin of 3.40% p.a. and have a first call option for the issuer 5
years after the settlement date, subject to approval from the Financial
Supervisory Authority of Norway, if required.

In conjunction with the new issue, the bank has bought back NOK 26 million of
the outstanding Additional Tier 1 bond issue with ticker STORB57 PRO (ISIN
NO0010818511). The buy-back volume will be written down in the CSD (VPS), and
outstanding in the market after this is NOK 74 million.

The bond issue has been approved by the bank's General Meeting.

DNB Markets acted as sole Arranger of the transaction.

Lysaker, 8 February 2023.

Contact person in Storebrand Bank ASA:

Einar Leikanger, Head of Treasury, tel: +47 934 20 379.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5
-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Storebrand Bank ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Storebrand Bank ASA 18/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Storebrand Bank ASA 19/30 FRN C SUB, Storebrand Bank ASA 19/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Storebrand Bank ASA 20/23 FRN, Storebrand Bank ASA 21/24 FRN, Storebrand Bank ASA 21/25 FRN, Storebrand Bank ASA 21/31 FRN C SUB, Storebrand Bank ASA 22/32 FRN C SUB, Storebrand Bank ASA 22/25 FRN, Storebrand Bank ASA 22/26 3,94%


NO0010818511, NO0010843519, NO0010843501, NO0010881386, NO0010891344, NO0010931819, NO0011146359, NO0011104077, NO0012446428, NO0012617697, NO0012626953


Nordic Alternative Bond Market