08 Feb 2023 15:50 CET


Equinor ASA

Equinor ASA (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) has on 8 February 2023 engaged a third party
to conduct repurchases of the company's shares to be used in the share-based
incentive programmes for employees and management for the period from 15
February 2023 until 15 January 2024.

Shares acquired under the buy-back programme in the period from 15 February
2023 to 10 May 2023 is based upon the authorization from the annual general
meeting on 11 May 2022 and registered in the Norwegian register for business
enterprises. According to the authorization, the maximum number of shares to be
purchased in the market is 15,200,000, the minimum price that can be paid for
the shares is NOK 50, and the maximum price is NOK 1000. Share buyback after the
annual general meeting 2023 is subject to a new authorization.

The buy-back programme is time-scheduled, and the share purchases shall take
place on specific dates in the period from 15 February 2023 until 15 January
2024 with a determined purchase amount on each date, as set out in the buy-back

The total purchase amount under the share buy-back programme is up to NOK
1,535,150,000. The maximum number of shares to be acquired is 20,000,000 shares,
of which up to 12,000,000 shares can be acquired in the period from 15 February
2023 to 10 May 2023, and up to 8,000,000 shares can be acquired in the period
from 15 June 2023 to 15 January 2024.

The shares shall be used to meet obligations towards employees who participate
in the company's share saving programme and the long-term incentive scheme.

Shares will be purchased on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The share buy-back
programme will be conducted in accordance with applicable safe harbour
conditions, and as further set out i.a. in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
of 2007, EU Commission Regulation (EC) No 2016/1052 and the Oslo Stock
Exchange's Guidelines for buy-back programmes and price stabilisation February

Further information from:

Investor relations
Bård Glad Pedersen, senior vice president Investor Relations,
+47 918 01 791

Sissel Rinde, vice president Media Relations,
+47 412 60 584 (mobile)

This is information that Equinor is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to
Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Equinor ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

EQUINOR, Statoil ASA 13/25 4,13%, Statoil ASA 13/33 4,27%


NO0010096985, NO0010689607, NO0010689615




Oslo Børs