31 Jan 2023 08:00 CET



Please see below information about transactions made under the share buy-back
program for Norsk Hydro ASA.

Announcement date of the share buyback program: September 23, 2022

End date of the share buyback program: March 29, 2023

Overview of transactions:

|Date |Aggregate daily |Average price |Total transaction |
| |volume (no. of |(NOK) |value (NOK) |
| |shares) | | |
|24.01.2023 | 125 000| 80.82| 10 102 088|
|25.01.2023 | 123 000| 81.44| 10 017 022|
|26.01.2023 | 123 000| 81.48| 10 022 446|
|27.01.2023 | 125 000| 80.67| 10 084 163|
|30.01.2023 | 125 000| 80.90| 10 112 750|
|Previous transactions| 12 248 000|  |  |
|  |  |  |  |
|Total transaction | | | |
|under the program | 12 869 000| 69.19| 890 366 038|

Prior to the share buyback program Norsk Hydro ASA owned a total of 16 452 403
own shares. Following the above listed transactions, Norsk Hydro ASA owns a
total of 29 321 403 shares, corresponding to 1.42% of Norsk Hydro ASA's share

Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for
the dates specified above is attached to this notification and available on

This is information that Norsk Hydro ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to
the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Investor contact:
Line Haugetraa
Head of Investor Relations
+47 41406376

581016_NHY Share buyback 30 01 2023.pdf


Norsk Hydro ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

NORSK HYDRO, Norsk Hydro ASA 17/24 2,50%, Norsk Hydro ASA 20/23 FRN, Norsk Hydro ASA 20/26 FRN, Norsk Hydro ASA 20/27 4,00%, Norsk Hydro ASA 20/30 4,575%, Norsk Hydro ASA 22/28 5.257pct C, Norsk Hydro ASA 22/28 FRN C


NO0005052605, NO0010809643, NO0010882327, NO0010882343, NO0010882350, NO0010882368, NO0012767260, NO0012767252




Oslo Børs