27 Jan 2023 07:00 CET


Norske Skog ASA

Norske Skog Skogn will invest around NOK 180 million, after NOK 40-50 million in
grant funding from the NOx fund, in a new thermomechanical production line (TMP)
that will replace expensive recycled paper with fresh fibre. The new TMP line
will reduce variable costs, significantly reduce NOx and fossil CO2 emissions,
and reduce landfilled waste. Start-up is expected in the first half of 2024.

"With this investment decision, we have taken the first step in the long-term
competitiveness of Norske Skog Skogn. We want to secure our position in the
newsprint market while at the same time providing opportunities to establish
ourselves in new markets. This will strengthen our already good environmental
position through major reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases," says Håvard
Busklein, Managing Director at Norske Skog Skogn AS.

Today, newsprint is produced at Norske Skog Skogn with a pulp mix, consisting of
wood fiber and recycled paper. The investment will replace the use of expensive
recycled paper fiber with fresh wood fiber in newsprint production. The
production capacity of thermomechanical wood pulp will increase by 100,000

Emission reductions
The investment will significantly reduce Norske Skog Skogn's emissions of fossil
CO2 and NOx. A fossil CO2 reduction of around 80% has been calculated, and the
NOx emissions will be reduced by around 40%. The ash reduction is estimated at
around 60%. Ash from fresh fiber has smaller amounts of residual materials, and
has several application opportunities that will be investigated.

It is not only the result of the project that will lead to reduced emissions. In
order to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce investment costs, Norske Skog Skogn
will purchase machinery and equipment from a closed paper mill in Sweden instead
of buying new equipment.

"As a company, we are concerned about sustainability at every step of the value
chain. The vast majority of the equipment is reused from other mills in the
industry, which have chosen to close or convert their production. Our skilled
employees have seen this opportunity and utilized it to to create a very
cost-effective project," says Busklein.

About Norske Skog
Norske Skog is a world leading producer of publication paper with strong market
positions and customer relations in Europe and Australasia. The Norske Skog
Group operates four mills in Europe, two of which will produce recycled
packaging paper following ongoing conversion projects. In addition, the Group
operates one paper mill in Australia. Norske Skog aims to further diversify its
operations and continue its transformation into a growing and high-margin
business through a range of promising energy and bio product development
projects. The Group has approximately 2 100 employees, is headquartered in
Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker NSKOG.

Norske Skog
Communications and Public Affairs

For further information:
Norske Skog media:
Vice President Communication and Public Affairs

Carsten Dybevig
Email: carsten.dybevig@norskeskog.com
Mob: +47 917 63 117

Norske Skog financial markets:

Investor Relation Manager
Even Lund
Email: even.lund@norskeskog.com
Mob: +47 906 12 919

580853_230127 Norske-Skog Skogn new TMP-line.pdf


Norske Skog ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name



NO0010861115, NO0010936065




Oslo Børs