25 Jan 2023 07:00 CET


Tekna Holding ASA

25.1.2023 07:00:00 CET | Tekna Holding ASA | Non-regulatory press releases

(Arendal, NORWAY / Sherbrooke QC, CANADA) Tekna Holding ASA (Tekna, OSE: TEKNA),
the world-leading provider of advanced materials to industry, today announces
that the company has signed contracts for the sales of two plasma systems, one
TEK15 and one TEK40 model, which enable the development and pilot production of
highly spherical metallic or ceramic powders.

The orders amount to a total value of CAD 1.57 million and will be delivered to
customers by the end of 2023. The systems will be used in a government research
center in Belgium, and by a private company in Asia for commercial R&D purposes.

The TEK15 system can be used for the development of spherical powder,
nanomaterials and coatings. The sold system is to be used to develop spherical
powder of various materials to be applied in additive manufacturing (AM), for
instance binder jetting and metal injection molding (MIM).

The TEK40 system is an upscaled version of the TEK15 and can be used for
development or pilot production purposes. The sold system is to be used to
develop and produce trial size samples of spherical refractory metal powders.

"We are excited to announce these contracts for the sales of our TEK15 and TEK40
plasma systems, which demonstrate the growing demand for our advanced materials
solutions in the industry. These systems will allow our customers to experiment
with a wide range of materials and explore different plasma environments and
conditions. It is exhilerating to enable our customers' advancements and
innovations," said Luc Dionne, CEO at Tekna.


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


* Arina van Oost, Investor Relations | VP Corporate Strategic Development &
Innovation, Tekna, +1 438 885 6330, Investors@tekna.com


Tekna is a world-leading provider of advanced materials to industry,
headquartered in Sherbrooke, Canada.

Tekna produces high-purity metal powders for applications such as 3D printing in
the aerospace, medical and automotive sectors, as well as optimized induction
plasma systems for industrial research and production. With its unique,
IP-protected plasma technology, the company is well positioned in the growing
market for advanced nanomaterials within the electronics and batteries

Building on 30 years of delivering excellence, Tekna is a global player
recognized for its quality products and its commitment to its large base of
multinational blue-chip customers. Tekna's powder products increase productivity
and enable more efficient use of materials, thereby paving the way towards a
more resilient supply chain and circular economy.



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Tekna Holding ASA


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