24 Jan 2023 10:00 CET


Astrocast SA

SatIoT devices and connectivity to enable greater control of livestock remotely

Lausanne, Switzerland and Madrid, Spain, January 24, 2023 – Astrocast, a leading
global nanosatellite IoT network operator, and Digitanimal, a leading smart
solutions developer in livestock tracking devices and solutions, announce today
the signature of a strategic partnership to develop a Satellite IoT (SatIoT)
solution. Both companies are collaborating to commercialise an unrivalled
tracking device that connects to Astrocast’s global satellite network. The
SatIoT-based collar will enable farmers to track livestock remotely. This will
allow them to adopt Agriculture 4.0 farming practices as they manage their

“Within remote farming environments there is often little or no terrestrial
network connectivity. To solve this problem, some farms try and install antennas
and base stations to deploy ground networks and access cloud technologies. But
it is challenging for many farmers to deploy a reliable and financially viable
infrastructure, especially if they do not have a high volume of animals to
monitor,” says Carlos Callejero, CEO, Digitanimal. “Our goal is to change this
situation for these remote farmers, as we incorporate Astrocast’s low-power,
cost-effective SatIoT into our livestock tracking solutions. This technology -
and the access to data that it provides - will enable farmers to accurately
establish the location of their herds anytime and anywhere, allowing them to
better manage livestock. For example, they can track movement patterns and
create geo-fences to detect when livestock has drifted into areas they should
not be.”

Farmers needing this kind of satellite connectivity solution can be found
globally. New Zeland, Australia, Kenia and South Africa are obvious markets for
this tracking technology. Other countries in Africa and Asia also have large,
extensive herds in vast regions with no reliable cellular network access. In
Europe, it is estimated that there are 87 million cows and 50% of these animals
are located in areas without terrestrial/network coverage.

Fabien Jordan, CEO and Co-Founder, Astrocast says, “There is a digital divide in
many rural and farming areas across the world. This divide is largely caused by
a lack of network connectivity, which prevents many farmers from adopting smart
farming practices. While the art and science of farming have been established
for centuries, the innovative use of IoT and sensor technology enable farmers
across all scenarios to digitise their farming practices, to become more
efficient, to save cost and to reduce their carbon footprint. By partnering with
Digitanimal, we look forward to facilitating access to new technologies and
practices for livestock farmers globally.”

Through this partnership, it will be possible for any farmer across the world,
in, 2023, to connect their animals to the cloud and track them. The service will
be cost-effective and affordable to farmers, as it has been developed with the
latest satellite technology.

- ENDS -
​​ ​
About Astrocast
Astrocast SA operates a leading global nanosatellite IoT network, offering
services in industries such as Agriculture & Livestock, Maritime, Environment &
Utilities to name a few. The Astrocast network enables companies to monitor,
track, and communicate with remote assets from anywhere in the world. It relies
on superior L-band spectrum through a strategic alliance with Thuraya. In
partnership with Airbus, CEA/LETI and ESA, Astrocast developed Astronode S, an
ultra-low power and miniaturised module compatible with inexpensive L-band patch
antennas. Founded in 2014 by a renowned team of experts, Astrocast develops and
tests all its products in-house, from the satellites to the modules. Astrocast
is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo.

For more information visit astrocast.com 

About Digitanimal
Digitanimal SL is a Spanish SME founded in 2015 that develops smart solutions
for livestock farming based on IoT devices, AI algorithms and apps. Currently,
more than 10.000 farmers are monitoring their animals with Digitanimal in 80

For more information visit digitanimal.co.uk

​​​Media Contact Astrocast
Fatima Vigil

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Astrocast SA


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