23 Jan 2023 12:23 CET

Color Group AS (org. number.: 958815018) has today concluded and signed a new
5-year financing agreement with 1'st priority mortgage in the Transport-ferry
M/S SuperSpeed 1. The new facility is in the amount of NOK 650 mill., with the
same covenant structure as existing (vessels) mortgaged loans. The re-payment
profile is approx. 15 years. The drawn tranche will re/up-finance the existing
loan facility due in June 2023(outstanding amount as per today: NOK 499,5
mill.). The banks financing this transaction are: Danske Bank (Agent, Security
Agent, MLA, and Bookrunner), Sparebanken Møre (MLA and Bookrunner), and Nordea
(MLA and Bookrunner).


Color Group AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Color Group AS 18/23 FRN, Color Group AS 19/24 FRN FLOOR, Color Gr AS 20/PERP FRN C SUB


NO0010837214, NO0010864531, NO0010893340


Oslo Børs