23 Jan 2023 14:30 CET


Astrocast SA

Lausanne, Switzerland, January 23, 2023 – Astrocast, a leading global
nanosatellite IoT network operator, is proud to announce its nomination as the
"Best Connected Transport & Smart Vehicles Solution" by the IoT Solutions World
Congress for its collaboration with ArrowSpot on developing the ArrowTrack Sat.

The IoT Solutions World Congress is the leading international event for the
Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, and the nomination is a testament to
Astrocast's and ArrowSpot's commitment to providing cutting-edge technology to
improve the connectivity and efficiency of transportation.

"We are thrilled to be recognized by the IoT Solutions World Congress for our
collaboration with Arrowspot on developing the ArrowTrack Sat," said Fabien
Jordan, CEO of Astrocast. "Our technology enables real-time data collection and
analysis, allowing for better decision-making and improved efficiencies in
transportation management. We are excited to see the ArrowTrack Sat being used
to track and monitor containers, providing valuable insights to ships and
logistics companies."

The ArrowTrack Sat is a powerful, low-cost, and low-power device that uses
Astrocast's Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network to provide reliable
connectivity, allowing for the efficient collection and transmission of data
from remote locations. In addition, the device is designed to track and monitor
containers, providing valuable insights for preventing maintenance and thief

The IoT Solutions World Congress will take place from January 31 to February 2
in Barcelona, Spain.

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About Astrocast

Astrocast SA operates a leading global nanosatellite IoT network, offering
services in industries such as Agriculture & Livestock, Maritime, Environment &
Utilities to name a few. The Astrocast network enables companies to monitor,
track, and communicate with remote assets from anywhere in the world. It relies
on superior L-band spectrum through a strategic alliance with Thuraya. In
partnership with Airbus, CEA/LETI and ESA, Astrocast developed Astronode S, an
ultra-low power and miniaturised module compatible with inexpensive L-band patch
antennas. Founded in 2014 by a renowned team of experts, Astrocast develops and
tests all its products in-house, from the satellites to the modules. Astrocast
is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo.

For more information visit www.astrocast.com

Media Contact Astrocast
Fatima Vigil – Head of Marketing



Astrocast SA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth