05 Jan 2023 08:12 CET

Evermore Global Advisors, LLC ("EGA"), a U.S. SEC-registered investment adviser,
is investment adviser to the Evermore Global Value Fund (the “Fund”), an
investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as well
as several institutional separate accounts (the "Fund" and EGA’s institutional
separate accounts are collectively referred to as "EGA’s Managed Accounts").
Pursuant to investment management agreements with EGA’s Managed Accounts, EGA
has the power to make investment decisions and vote shares on behalf of EGA’s
Managed Accounts.
On December 31, 2022, one of EGA’s Managed Accounts terminated its investment
management agreement with EGA (the "Termination"). As a consequence of the
Termination, the number of shares in Atlantic Sapphire ASA (“Atlantic Sapphire”)
held by EGA’s Managed Accounts has been reduced from 8,543,867 shares
corresponding to 5.57% of the outstanding shares of Atlantic Sapphire, to
2,151,514 shares corresponding to 1.40% of the outstanding shares of Atlantic
Sapphire. Following the Termination, EGA exercises control over voting rights
equivalent to 1.40% of the total votes of Atlantic Sapphire.
This disclosure is made pursuant to section 4-4 of the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.


Atlantic Sapphire ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name



NO0010768500, NO0013249896




Oslo Børs