05 Jan 2023 08:00 CET


Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

In December, Norwegian had more than 1.3 million passengers, an increase of 41
percent compared to December 2021. During 2022 Norwegian had 18 million
passengers. Solid operations during the holiday travel season concluded a
positive year marked by a tripling of passenger numbers, a return of high demand
for air travel and continued positive booking trends.

“We are delighted to see that an increasing number of Nordic passengers choose
Norwegian as their preferred airline when travelling to see friends and family
during the busy holiday season that this month brings. On domestic travels in
Norway, passenger numbers are now on par with pre-pandemic levels. Despite
challenging weather on many of the busiest travel days that affected aviation
both in the Nordics and in Europe, we managed to take passengers to their
Christmas destinations. More than nine out of ten flights arrived on time or
within one hour of their scheduled arrival time,” said Geir Karlsen, CEO of

Norwegian had 1,315,924 passengers in December, up 41 percent from December
2021. The load factor in December was 77.8 percent. The capacity (ASK) was 2,120
million seat kilometres, while actual passenger traffic (RPK) was 1,650 million
seat kilometres. Unit revenue (RASK) is estimated at NOK 0.50, while unit
revenue including flight related ancillary revenue is estimated at NOK 0.61. In
December, Norwegian operated an average of 64 aircraft and 99.0 percent of the
scheduled flights were completed. Punctuality, as measured by the number of
flights departing within 15 minutes of scheduled time, was at 71.6 percent in
December, mainly due to challenging weather conditions at several European

In 2022 Norwegian had close to 18 million passengers, triple the number of
passengers from the previous year. The load factor was 83.1 percent for the
year. Thanks to the company's solid financial situation, Norwegian is now able
to hedge jet fuel for both 2023 and 2024. Current fuel hedges, which run through
2023, are struck at levels below today’s spot price.

New Year’s sale exceeding expectations
“All in all, 2022 has been a very good year for Norwegian. A strong pent-up
demand for air travel, particularly for beach destinations during the peak
leisure season, resulting in a record busy summer. We continue to experience
positive booking trends and ticket sales are currently exceeding our
expectations. Our customers have responded very positively to our New Year's
sale and are taking advantage of the campaign to plan this year’s travels, both
short and long term,” said Karlsen.

See detailed traffic figures in the attached PDF.

For further information, please contact:
Jesper M. Hatletveit, Investor Relations at Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA Tel: +47
906 64 401

Fornebu, 5 January 2023
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange
announcement was published by Jesper M. Hatletveit, VP Investor Relations at
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, on 5 January 2023 at 08:00 CET.

579642_Traffic report December 2022.pdf


Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA


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