03 Jan 2023 18:05 CET


Bakkafrost P/f

In Q4 2022 the harvest volumes for Bakkafrost's operation in the Faroe Islands
and Scotland were:

Faroe Islands: 19.3 thousand tonnes

· Farming North    5.3 thousand tonnes
· Farming West   14.0 thousand tonnes
· Farming South       0 thousand tonnes

Scotland: 5.1 thousand tonnes

The total harvest for 2022 in the Faroe Islands was 66.7 thousand tonnes and in
Scotland the total harvest in 2022 was 23.9 thousand tonnes. The total harvest
from the Bakkafrost Group in 2022 was 90.6 thousand tonnes.

All harvest volumes are provided in head on gutted (HOG) equivalents.

  Feed sales in Q4 2022 were 32.6 thousand tonnes. Havsbrún sourced 46.1
thousand tonnes of raw materials in Q4 2022. The total feed sales for 2022 was
127.8 thousand tonnes and in total 297.8 thousand tonnes of waw material were
sourced in 2022.

The full Q4 2022 report will be released on 21 February 2023 at 06:00 CET.


· Regin Jacobsen, CEO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 23 50 01 (mobile)
· Høgni Dahl Jakobsen, CFO of P/F Bakkafrost: +298 23 50 60 (mobile)

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Bakkafrost P/f


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