Displaying 151 - 190 of 190 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
15 Jun 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis bereikt belangrijke commerciële mijlpalen: één miljoenste Idylla™ cartridge verkocht en 2.000ste Idylla™ instrument geplaatst 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
15 Jun 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Reaches Key Commercial Milestones: One-Millionth Idylla™ Cartridge Sold and 2,000th Idylla™ Instrument Placed 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
13 May 2022
17:40 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Resultaten van de gewone algemene aandeelhoudersvergadering gehouden op 13 mei 2022 20101025 Health Services General meeting / Board Meeting
13 May 2022
17:40 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Results of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on 13 May 2022 20101025 Health Services General meeting / Board Meeting
04 May 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: New Study Led by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (NY, US) Shows Idylla™ GeneFusion Assay Enables More Rapid Screening of Targetable Fusions Compared to Routine Methods 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
04 May 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Nieuwe studie geleid door Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (NY, VS) toont dat Idylla™ GeneFusion Assay snellere screening van gerichte genfusies toelaat in vergelijking met routinemethoden 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
25 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Announces Presentation of Three Idylla™ Studies at 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
25 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis kondigt presentatie van drie Idylla™ studies aan op 32ste Europees Congres voor Klinische Microbiologie & Infectieziekten (ECCMID) 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS CORRECTIE TITEL: Persbericht: Biocartis rapporteert resultaten 1e kwartaal 2022: Op schema voor behalen vooropgezette jaardoelstellingen, brutomarge op producten van 35% 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
08:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Reports Results of First Quarter of 2022: On Track to Deliver on Full-Year Guidance, Gross Margin on Products of 35% 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
07:01 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press news Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Announces Presentation of First Prospective Validation Study Data of Merlin Test by Partner SkylineDx at EADO 2022 Conference 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
07:01 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis kondigt presentatie aan van eerste prospectieve data uit valideringsstudie Merlin Test door partner SkylineDx op EADO 2022 conferentie 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Reports Results of First Quarter of 2022: On Track to Deliver on Full-Year Guidance, Gross Margin on Products of 35% 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
21 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis rapporteert resultaten eerste kwartaal 2022: Op schema voor het behalen van de vooropgezette jaardoelstellingen, brutomarge op producten van 3% 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
12 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Oproeping tot de Gewone Algemene Aandeelhoudersvergadering 20101025 Health Services General meeting / Board Meeting
12 Apr 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 20101025 Health Services General meeting / Board Meeting
31 Mar 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis kondigt publicatie 2021 jaarverslag aan 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
31 Mar 2022
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Announces Publication of 2021 Annual Report 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
24 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS KONDIGT 2021 JAARRESULTATEN EN DOELSTELLINGEN VOOR 2022 AAN 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
24 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS ANNOUNCES 2021 RESULTS AND 2022 OUTLOOK 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
17 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS ANNOUNCES 2021 FULL YEAR RESULTS ON 24 FEBRUARY 2022 20101025 Health Services Other subject
17 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS KONDIGT 2021 JAARRESULTATEN AAN OP 24 FEBRUARI 2022 20101025 Health Services Other subject
08 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis and Ophiomics to Collaborate on Liver Cancer Test 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
08 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis en Ophiomics gaan samenwerken op test voor leverkanker 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
04 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Disclosure of a transparency notification 20101025 Health Services Other financial transaction
04 Feb 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Openbaarmaking van een transparantiekennisgeving 20101025 Health Services Other financial transaction
25 Jan 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Large UK Study Shows Rapid EGFR Testing with Idylla™ Alongside NGS Has Potential to Enhance Lung Cancer Patient Health Outcomes 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
25 Jan 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Grote UK studie toont dat snelle EGFR testing met Idylla™ naast NGS potentieel gezondheidsresultaten van longkankerpatiënten kan verbeteren 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
10 Jan 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS MEETS 2021 KEY OBJECTIVES 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
10 Jan 2022
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: BIOCARTIS BEHAALT BELANGRIJKSTE 2021 DOELSTELLINGEN 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
09 Dec 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis’ Idylla™ SARS-CoV-2 testing detecteert met succes de omicron variant 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
09 Dec 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis’ Idylla™ SARS-CoV-2 testing Successfully Detects Omicron Variant 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
30 Nov 2021
17:40 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: SeptiCyte® RAPID krijgt 510(k) clearance van de US FDA 20101025 Health Services Commercial operations
30 Nov 2021
17:40 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: SeptiCyte® RAPID Receives 510(k) clearance by US FDA 20101025 Health Services Commercial operations
16 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Nieuwe studie toont aan dat Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test (CE-IVD) de tijd tot beslissingen inzake patiëntenbeheer inkort voor patiënten met niet-kleincellige longkanker 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
16 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: New Study Demonstrates Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test (CE-IVD) Shortens Time to Patient Management Decisions for Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
10 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Press release Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Q3 2021 Business Update 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
10 Nov 2021
07:00 CET
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Biocartis Q3 2021 Business Update 20101025 Health Services Commercial results
12 Oct 2021
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Press news Biocartis Group NV: Disclosure of a transparency notification 20101025 Health Services Other subject
12 Oct 2021
07:00 CEST
BIOCARTIS Persbericht Biocartis Group NV: Openbaarmaking van een transparantiekennisgeving 20101025 Health Services Other subject