Displaying 201 - 250 of 410 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
15 Mar 2023
22:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Finance announces Cash Tender Offers for two series of USD Notes 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
15 Mar 2023
22:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Finance annonce une Offre de Rachat portant sur deux séries d’Obligations en dollars américains 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
15 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Changes within Air Liquide’s Executive Committee 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
15 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Evolution au sein du Comité Exécutif d’Air Liquide 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Mar 2023
09:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Mar 2023
09:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2022 incluant le Rapport financier annuel 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: 2022 Universal Registration Document Including the annual Financial Report Now Available 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
27 Feb 2023
13:27 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Modification de Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Change in Capital
27 Feb 2023
13:27 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Changes to Share Capital 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Change in Capital
22 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Assemblée Générale Mixte du 3 mai 2023 : publication de l’avis de réunion 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
22 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Combined General Meeting on May 3, 2023: Publication of the Preliminary Notice of Meeting 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
21 Feb 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide et Sasol signent de nouveaux contrats de long terme pour des capacités d’énergies renouvelables de 260 MW pour le site de Secunda 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
21 Feb 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide and Sasol Sign New Set of Long-term Contracts to Supply an Additional 260 MW of Renewable Energy to the Secunda Site 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
17 Feb 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Share Buyback 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
17 Feb 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Rachats d’actions propres 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
16 Feb 2023
07:20 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide:2022: Strong performance and acceleration of investment decisions to prepare the future 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
16 Feb 2023
07:20 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : 2022: Performance très solide et accélération des décisions d’investissement pour préparer l’avenir 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Sales
02 Feb 2023
09:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
02 Feb 2023
09:48 CET
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
02 Feb 2023
08:30 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide and TotalEnergies Join Forces to Develop a Network of Over 100 Hydrogen Stations for Heavy Duty Vehicles in Europe 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
02 Feb 2023
08:30 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide et TotalEnergies s’associent pour développer un réseau de plus de 100 stations hydrogène pour les poids lourds en Europe 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
26 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Signed a Record 52 New Contracts for the On-site Production of Gases for Its Industrial Merchant Business Line In 2022 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
26 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide a signé un nombre record de 52 nouveaux contrats pour de la production de gaz sur site dans l’Industriel Marchand en 2022 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
24 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide et Sasol signent un premier contrat de long terme pour approvisionner le site de Secunda en énergie renouvelable - Other subject
24 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide and Sasol Sign First Long-term Contracts for Supply of Renewable Energy to the Secunda Site - Other subject
13 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide reconnu pour sa performance environnementale, sociale et de gouvernance par des agences de notation de développement durable clés 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
13 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Recognized for Its Environmental, Social and Governance Achievements in Key Corporate Sustainability Ratings 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
11 Jan 2023
11:57 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité AIR LIQUIDE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
11 Jan 2023
11:57 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Semi-annual Update on the AIR LIQUIDE Liquidity Contract 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Autothermal Reforming Technology Selected for First Low-carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia Production in Japan 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
10 Jan 2023
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE La technologie de reformage autothermique d’Air Liquide sélectionnée pour la production d'hydrogène et d'ammoniac bas carbone, une première au Japon 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Jan 2023
18:15 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Availability of the Pre-Full Year 2022 Results Communication 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Jan 2023
18:15 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide : Mise en ligne du document « Pre-Full Year 2022 Results Communication » 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
03 Jan 2023
14:36 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
03 Jan 2023
14:36 CET
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
21 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Receives Support From Dutch State for Two Large-scale Electrolyzer Projects in the Netherlands 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
21 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide reçoit le soutien de l’Etat néerlandais pour deux grands projets d’électrolyseurs aux Pays-Bas 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
13 Dec 2022
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Strengthens Its Long-Term Relationship with Kumho Mitsui Chemical (KMCI) in South Korea 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
13 Dec 2022
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide renforce sa relation de long terme avec Kumho Mitsui Chemical (KMCI) en Corée du Sud 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Dec 2022
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide, Fluxys Belgium et Port of Antwerp-Bruges obtiennent un financement de l'UE pour la construction de l'Antwerp@C CO2 Export Hub 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
12 Dec 2022
08:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide, Fluxys Belgium and Port of Antwerp-Bruges Awarded EU Funding for Building the Antwerp@C CO2 Export Hub 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Dec 2022
11:36 CET
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
08 Dec 2022
11:36 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Share history
05 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide Signs an Agreement to Divest Its Business in Trinidad and Tobago 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
05 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide signe un accord pour céder son activité à Trinité-et-Tobago 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
22 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Circular Economy : Air Liquide and TotalEnergies Innovate to Produce Renewable and Low-carbon Hydrogen at the Grandpuits Zero Crude Platform 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
22 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Economie circulaire : Air Liquide et TotalEnergies innovent pour produire de l’hydrogène renouvelable et bas carbone sur la plateforme zéro pétrole de Grandpuits 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Nov 2022
16:08 CET
AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide: Voting Rights 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject
08 Nov 2022
16:08 CET
AIR LIQUIDE AIR LIQUIDE : DROITS DE VOTE 55201020 Specialty Chemicals Other subject