Ticker CompanyUnsorted SurnameDescending First nameUnsorted Title Unsorted PositionUnsorted
SOFTX SoftOx Solutions AS Almås Geir CEO & CoB
SASNO SAS AB Almén Anna Legal Counsel ANB
ITERA Itera ASA Almquist Andreas Varastyremedlem
NSOL Norsk Renewables AS Alonso Pedro Josè EVP Execution, Operations & Maintenance
ASA Atlantic Sapphire ASA Alonso Marta Board Member
5PG 5th Planet Games A/S Alpert David Board Member
SMCRT SmartCraft ASA Alveberg Isabella Member, Board of Directors
SEAPT, SEAPT Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited Alves Juan Senior VP Production and Operations
SBX SeaBird Exploration PLC Alvestad Sveinung CFO
GEM Green Minerals AS Alvestad Sveinung CFO
PROT, PROTCT06, PROTCT07, PROTCT05 Protector Forsikring ASA Ambalathil Mathews Styremedlem valg av og blant de ansatte
KLPKK21, KLPKK26 PRO, KLPKK30 PRO, KLPKK25 PRO, KLPKK29 PRO, KLPKK28 PRO, KLPKK27 PRO KLP Kommunekreditt AS Amdahl John Fredrik Leder
KLPBK13 PRO, KLPBK07, KLPBK10 PRO, KLPBK09 PRO, KLPBK11 PRO, KLPBK12 PRO KLP Boligkreditt AS Amdahl John Fredrik Leder
GJF04, GJF03, GJF01, GJF05, GJF, GJF06, GJF07 Gjensidige Forsikring ASA Amdal Jostein Finansdirektør
HYN Hynion AS Amnell Lars Styremedlem
OTOVO Otovo ASA Amoribieta Inigo Managing Director
KOA Kongsberg Automotive ASA Amsel Christian CTO and Interim President Powertrain & Chassis
NTC01 NTC Infrastructure AS Amundsen Pål Konsernledelse (CEO)
EVINY02 PRO, EVINY03 PRO, BKK50 PRO, BKK48 PRO ESG, BKK49 PRO ESG, BKK51 PRO, BKK52 PRO, BKK53 PRO, EVINY01 PRO ESG Eviny AS Amundsen Malin varamedlem
NTG Nordic Technology Group AS Amundsen Camilla Board member